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Showing posts from May, 2021

Shtëpia ime, fati im - Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir - Episodi 89 "13/05/2021" Seriale turke me titra shqip

13/05/2021 Mehdi sherohet dhe rikthehet pΓ«rsΓ«ri nΓ« qeli. Por njΓ« atentat tjetΓ«r po planifikohet kundΓ«r tij. Γ‡farΓ« do tΓ« ndodhΓ« kΓ«saj herΓ« me tΓ«? A do tΓ« mundet ai t’i shpΓ«tojΓ« atentatit tΓ« rradhΓ«s? Si po shkon marrΓ«dhΓ«nia mes Zejnep dhe Baresh?   KLIKO POSHT PER TE PARE EPISODIN    ↓↓↓

Shtëpia ime, fati im - Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir - Episodi 88 "12/05/2021" Seriale turke me titra shqip

12/05/2021 Si Γ«shtΓ« gjendja shΓ«ndetΓ«sore e Mehdiut? Si do ta presΓ« Zejnep lajmin qΓ« tashmΓ« ai po lufton me vdekjen? Zejnep e ndjerΓ« nΓ« faj vendos tΓ« tΓ«rheqΓ« denoncimin e saj ndaj Mehdiut. Si do ta presΓ« kΓ«tΓ« lajm Nermin dhe Baresh?   KLIKO POSHT PER TE PARE EPISODIN    ↓↓↓

Shtëpia ime, fati im - Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir - Episodi 87 "11/05/2021" Seriale turke me titra shqip

11/05/2021 Baresh, i sΓ«murΓ« i jep puthjen e parΓ« Zejnepit nΓ« momentin kur ajo apo kujdeset pΓ«r tΓ«. Si do ta presΓ« Zejnep kΓ«tΓ« gjΓ«? A do t’i kujtohet kjo puthje Bareshit tΓ« nesermen? Mehdi plagoset nΓ« burg. A do tΓ« mund tΓ« shpΓ«tojΓ« ai?   KLIKO POSHT PER TE PARE EPISODIN    ↓↓↓

Shtëpia ime, fati im - Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir - Episodi 86 "10/05/2021" Seriale turke me titra shqip

10/05/2021 Γ‡farΓ« po ndodh me Mehdiun nΓ« burg? Baresh fillon t’i shmanget sa mΓ« shumΓ« Zejnepit. Cila do tΓ« jetΓ« arsyeja e kΓ«saj distance? Xhemile, Benal dhe Nuh kΓ«rkojnΓ« nga Zejnepi qΓ« tΓ« tΓ«rheqΓ« denoncimin e saj ndaj Mehdiut. Por sa e gatshme do tΓ« jetΓ« Zejnep ta bΓ«jΓ« kΓ«tΓ« gjΓ«?   KLIKO POSHT PER TE PARE EPISODIN    ↓↓↓

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 39 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  NdΓ«rsa qΓ«ndrimi i Derin ndaj realiteteve me tΓ« cilat pΓ«rballet zgjon kuriozitet, Volkan ka vΓ«shtirΓ«si tΓ« kontrollojΓ« reagimet e AzisΓ« ndaj Turgay. NdΓ«rsa Asya ndΓ«rmerr hapa tΓ« guximshΓ«m pΓ«r tΓ« zbuluar se kush qΓ«ndron prapa sulmeve ndaj saj, cili do tΓ« jetΓ« zhvillimi i papritur qΓ« do ta sjellΓ« atΓ« sΓ« bashku me Volkan? KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 38 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  NdΓ«rsa qΓ«ndrimi i Derin ndaj realiteteve me tΓ« cilat pΓ«rballet zgjon kuriozitet, Volkan ka vΓ«shtirΓ«si tΓ« kontrollojΓ« reagimet e AzisΓ« ndaj Turgay. NdΓ«rsa Asya ndΓ«rmerr hapa tΓ« guximshΓ«m pΓ«r tΓ« zbuluar se kush qΓ«ndron prapa sulmeve ndaj saj, cili do tΓ« jetΓ« zhvillimi i papritur qΓ« do ta sjellΓ« atΓ« sΓ« bashku me Volkan? KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 37 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  NdΓ«rsa qΓ«ndrimi i Derin ndaj realiteteve me tΓ« cilat pΓ«rballet zgjon kuriozitet, Volkan ka vΓ«shtirΓ«si tΓ« kontrollojΓ« reagimet e AzisΓ« ndaj Turgay. NdΓ«rsa Asya ndΓ«rmerr hapa tΓ« guximshΓ«m pΓ«r tΓ« zbuluar se kush qΓ«ndron prapa sulmeve ndaj saj, cili do tΓ« jetΓ« zhvillimi i papritur qΓ« do ta sjellΓ« atΓ« sΓ« bashku me Volkan? KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 36 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  Episodi i pabesΓ« 11 (Fuqia qΓ« del nga vetmia) Edhe pse sulmi nΓ« shtΓ«pinΓ« e tij e bΓ«n AzinΓ« tΓ« shqetΓ«suar, ai Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« mos lejojΓ« Volkan tΓ« ndΓ«rhyjΓ« nΓ« jetΓ«n e tyre. NdΓ«rsa hapat e Volkan po vihen nΓ« dyshim nga rrethina e tij, Gonul ka njΓ« plan tΓ« ri nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« luftΓ« tΓ« ftohtΓ«. Nga ana tjetΓ«r, tensioni rreth tij ndikon negativisht tek Aliu dhe njΓ« problem qΓ« ai pΓ«rjeton nΓ« shkollΓ« shkakton rezultate tΓ« papritura. Edhe pse Azia Γ«shtΓ« e vendosur tΓ« kapΓ«rcejΓ« vΓ«shtirΓ«sitΓ« e saj njΓ« nga njΓ«, ajo nuk Γ«shtΓ« nΓ« dijeni tΓ« rrezikut tΓ« fundit qΓ« e pret. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 35 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  Episodi i pabesΓ« 11 (Fuqia qΓ« del nga vetmia) Edhe pse sulmi nΓ« shtΓ«pinΓ« e tij e bΓ«n AzinΓ« tΓ« shqetΓ«suar, ai Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« mos lejojΓ« Volkan tΓ« ndΓ«rhyjΓ« nΓ« jetΓ«n e tyre. NdΓ«rsa hapat e Volkan po vihen nΓ« dyshim nga rrethina e tij, Gonul ka njΓ« plan tΓ« ri nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« luftΓ« tΓ« ftohtΓ«. Nga ana tjetΓ«r, tensioni rreth tij ndikon negativisht tek Aliu dhe njΓ« problem qΓ« ai pΓ«rjeton nΓ« shkollΓ« shkakton rezultate tΓ« papritura. Edhe pse Azia Γ«shtΓ« e vendosur tΓ« kapΓ«rcejΓ« vΓ«shtirΓ«sitΓ« e saj njΓ« nga njΓ«, ajo nuk Γ«shtΓ« nΓ« dijeni tΓ« rrezikut tΓ« fundit qΓ« e pret. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 34 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  Episodi i pabesΓ« 11 (Fuqia qΓ« del nga vetmia) Edhe pse sulmi nΓ« shtΓ«pinΓ« e tij e bΓ«n AzinΓ« tΓ« shqetΓ«suar, ai Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« mos lejojΓ« Volkan tΓ« ndΓ«rhyjΓ« nΓ« jetΓ«n e tyre. NdΓ«rsa hapat e Volkan po vihen nΓ« dyshim nga rrethina e tij, Gonul ka njΓ« plan tΓ« ri nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« luftΓ« tΓ« ftohtΓ«. Nga ana tjetΓ«r, tensioni rreth tij ndikon negativisht tek Aliu dhe njΓ« problem qΓ« ai pΓ«rjeton nΓ« shkollΓ« shkakton rezultate tΓ« papritura. Edhe pse Azia Γ«shtΓ« e vendosur tΓ« kapΓ«rcejΓ« vΓ«shtirΓ«sitΓ« e saj njΓ« nga njΓ«, ajo nuk Γ«shtΓ« nΓ« dijeni tΓ« rrezikut tΓ« fundit qΓ« e pret. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 33 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  Episodi i pabesΓ« 11 (Fuqia qΓ« del nga vetmia) Edhe pse sulmi nΓ« shtΓ«pinΓ« e tij e bΓ«n AzinΓ« tΓ« shqetΓ«suar, ai Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« mos lejojΓ« Volkan tΓ« ndΓ«rhyjΓ« nΓ« jetΓ«n e tyre. NdΓ«rsa hapat e Volkan po vihen nΓ« dyshim nga rrethina e tij, Gonul ka njΓ« plan tΓ« ri nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« luftΓ« tΓ« ftohtΓ«. Nga ana tjetΓ«r, tensioni rreth tij ndikon negativisht tek Aliu dhe njΓ« problem qΓ« ai pΓ«rjeton nΓ« shkollΓ« shkakton rezultate tΓ« papritura. Edhe pse Azia Γ«shtΓ« e vendosur tΓ« kapΓ«rcejΓ« vΓ«shtirΓ«sitΓ« e saj njΓ« nga njΓ«, ajo nuk Γ«shtΓ« nΓ« dijeni tΓ« rrezikut tΓ« fundit qΓ« e pret. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 32 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  Episodi i pabesΓ« 11 (Fuqia qΓ« del nga vetmia) Edhe pse sulmi nΓ« shtΓ«pinΓ« e tij e bΓ«n AzinΓ« tΓ« shqetΓ«suar, ai Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« mos lejojΓ« Volkan tΓ« ndΓ«rhyjΓ« nΓ« jetΓ«n e tyre. NdΓ«rsa hapat e Volkan po vihen nΓ« dyshim nga rrethina e tij, Gonul ka njΓ« plan tΓ« ri nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« luftΓ« tΓ« ftohtΓ«. Nga ana tjetΓ«r, tensioni rreth tij ndikon negativisht tek Aliu dhe njΓ« problem qΓ« ai pΓ«rjeton nΓ« shkollΓ« shkakton rezultate tΓ« papritura. Edhe pse Azia Γ«shtΓ« e vendosur tΓ« kapΓ«rcejΓ« vΓ«shtirΓ«sitΓ« e saj njΓ« nga njΓ«, ajo nuk Γ«shtΓ« nΓ« dijeni tΓ« rrezikut tΓ« fundit qΓ« e pret. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 31 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  (Seriali i madh hit i Kanal D "I pabesΓ«" del nΓ« ekran me episodin e tij tΓ« ri. Tema e episodit tΓ« ri tΓ« serisΓ«, e cila luan Cansu Dere dhe Caner Cindoruk, Γ«shtΓ« si mΓ« poshtΓ«; Asya nuk do tΓ« lejojΓ« qΓ« bota e dy njerΓ«zve tΓ« krijuar me Aliun tΓ« kΓ«rcΓ«nohet nga Volkan. SidoqoftΓ«, ai e kupton se duhet tΓ« bΓ«jΓ« njΓ« armΓ«pushim me tΓ« pΓ«r Aliun. Volkan Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« provojΓ« se ai Γ«shtΓ« njΓ« pjesΓ« e jetΓ«s sΓ« Aliut me Asya, megjithΓ«se vendimet e Volkan e bΓ«jnΓ« Derin tΓ« shqetΓ«suar me vendimet e Volkanit, i cili nuk ndalet sΓ« shtyrΓ«i kufijtΓ« e AzisΓ«. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 30 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  (Seriali i madh hit i Kanal D "I pabesΓ«" del nΓ« ekran me episodin e tij tΓ« ri. Tema e episodit tΓ« ri tΓ« serisΓ«, e cila luan Cansu Dere dhe Caner Cindoruk, Γ«shtΓ« si mΓ« poshtΓ«; Asya nuk do tΓ« lejojΓ« qΓ« bota e dy njerΓ«zve tΓ« krijuar me Aliun tΓ« kΓ«rcΓ«nohet nga Volkan. SidoqoftΓ«, ai e kupton se duhet tΓ« bΓ«jΓ« njΓ« armΓ«pushim me tΓ« pΓ«r Aliun. Volkan Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« provojΓ« se ai Γ«shtΓ« njΓ« pjesΓ« e jetΓ«s sΓ« Aliut me Asya, megjithΓ«se vendimet e Volkan e bΓ«jnΓ« Derin tΓ« shqetΓ«suar me vendimet e Volkanit, i cili nuk ndalet sΓ« shtyrΓ«i kufijtΓ« e AzisΓ«. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

I pabesΓ« - ( Sadakatsiz ) Episodi 29 - Seriale turke me titra shqip

Ne kete episod do te ndiqni  (Seriali i madh hit i Kanal D "I pabesΓ«" del nΓ« ekran me episodin e tij tΓ« ri. Tema e episodit tΓ« ri tΓ« serisΓ«, e cila luan Cansu Dere dhe Caner Cindoruk, Γ«shtΓ« si mΓ« poshtΓ«; Asya nuk do tΓ« lejojΓ« qΓ« bota e dy njerΓ«zve tΓ« krijuar me Aliun tΓ« kΓ«rcΓ«nohet nga Volkan. SidoqoftΓ«, ai e kupton se duhet tΓ« bΓ«jΓ« njΓ« armΓ«pushim me tΓ« pΓ«r Aliun. Volkan Γ«shtΓ« i vendosur tΓ« provojΓ« se ai Γ«shtΓ« njΓ« pjesΓ« e jetΓ«s sΓ« Aliut me Asya, megjithΓ«se vendimet e Volkan e bΓ«jnΓ« Derin tΓ« shqetΓ«suar me vendimet e Volkanit, i cili nuk ndalet sΓ« shtyrΓ«i kufijtΓ« e AzisΓ«. KLIKO POSHTE PER TA PAR EPISODIN  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 47 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Beliz is determined not to accept Vuslat's offer. But when new setbacks do not leave the hospital, Beliz's hand begins to struggle. On the other hand, the new chief resident NazlΔ±'s job is overwhelming, and the mind of Ali, who runs from prison to prison, is when NazlΔ± forgets and does not forget him. Unaware of her mother's attempts, Ezo decides to help Ali with NazlΔ±. But Vuslat has completely different plans for both Ali and the hospital. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 46 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Assistants who are willing to work half pay now have an extremely demanding 36-hour shift. When the nerves start to get tense, Ferman and Ali fight. On the other hand, Ezo, who makes an agreement with his mother, is forced to say goodbye to Ali. When we come to the end of the tough watch, one will add new penalties to the assistant register, another will become the chief resident, and Beliz will receive a surprise offer. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 45 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Berhayat Hospital is preparing for the first face transplant surgery in its history, and at the end of the case, only one assistant will remain in the hospital. But this time the assistants decide to try another method undercover from their professor. On the other hand, Ferman has already made his choice, no matter how the case ends. But Ezo becomes the most unexpected that changes all balances. Arriving at the hospital and seeing the gravity of the situation, Ezo seeks a mysterious last resort. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 44 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Berhayat Hospital is in an economic bottleneck, and Ferman, the new surgical chief, has to fire three of his assistants. Tanju believes that the strongest candidate is Ali, and under his pressure, Ferman gives Ali his own case. Ali, who takes full responsibility for a case for the first time, is very happy, and even that Ezo opens up a lot of work for him. This dismissal issue, which was kept secret at the beginning, is later learned by everyone and a fierce competition begins in the whole hospital. Who will be the winner in the end? . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 43 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Ferman, NazlΔ± and Ali are going to a conference abroad for a prestigious award. But when Ezo surprises everyone and gets on the same plane, things get messed up from the very beginning. On the other hand, Tanju, who is called to the court, has to entrust the surgical department to Demir and Doruk. When a patient in critical condition is brought to the emergency room, Demir and Doruk have no choice but to act without knowing Tanju. Meanwhile, the passengers on the plane begin to suffer from a mysterious disease. While time is rapidly shrinking for both Demir and Peak and the passengers on board, everyone is tested to the end of their limit. And those who come face to face with death in the end will make confessions that will surprise even themselves. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 42 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Hastaneyi dΓΌze Γ§Δ±karabilmek iΓ§in daha cΓΌretkΓ’r ameliyatlar yapmalarΔ± gerektiğine hΓΌkmeden Tanju, Ferman’Δ± Ali’ye karşı doldurmaya devam eder. Ferda’nΔ±n konferanstan dΓΆnüşü Tanju’nun ekmeğine yağ sΓΌrer ve Ferman’la Ferda daha ΓΆnceki iddianΔ±n rΓΆvanşına tutuşurlar. Birbirinden zorlu, hatta daha ameliyatΔ± bile keşfedilmemiş vakalar sΓΌratle tΔ±rmanΔ±rken NazlΔ±, Ali’nin biriyle gΓΆrüştüğü dedikodularΔ±na kulak asmamaya, Ali de yataktan bile Γ§Δ±kamayan Ezo’yu ayağa kaldΔ±rmaya Γ§alışır. Sonunda acΔ± gerΓ§ekler gΓΌn yΓΌzΓΌne Γ§Δ±kacak ve Berhayat Hastanesi’nde kozlar bir kez daha paylaşılacaktΔ±r. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 41 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   The Sevilay incident explodes like a bomb on social media, and both Tanju and the hospital are cornered. Wanting to save the situation, Tanju pressures Ferman to take a tough case. But Ferman has other plans. On the other hand, Ali, who has just realized the dimensions of the separation with NazlΔ±, is depressed. But he too finds himself in the middle of a strange surgical duel with Ferman. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 40 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Painful in love, NazlΔ± learns that Ali has moved to a new house and that he is completely devoted to the cases and feels forgotten. Meanwhile, Ali has a completely different problem; he is also his strange new neighbor Ezo, and Ali is extremely uncomfortable with him. On the other hand, Ferda and Ferman, the new surgical chief, find themselves in the middle of a surgical duel again. The fact that a case is an old patient of Tanju complicates things thoroughly. As time is running out, NazlΔ± and Ali'a Ferman fills up against Tanju. Eventually, the expected confrontations take place. But these will have unexpected consequences for everyone. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 39 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Sensing that he has lost Ali quickly, NazlΔ± makes a final offer to him and they decide to try a new way to save their relationship. On the other hand, a patient whose condition continues to deteriorate despite all interventions confuses Ferman and Ali. Compelled to choose a new surgical chief and suspects someone on the team made a mistake, Tanju begins to squeeze Ferman. While all this is happening, Ali pushes himself harder than ever for NazlΔ±'s sake. At the end of the day, the trumps are shared again at Berhayat Hospital. But nobody will find exactly what they are looking for ... . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 38 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   When NazlΔ±, who removed her father from her life, cannot find the consolation she was looking for in Ali, the two come to the brink of the biggest relationship crisis they have ever experienced. Ali begins to look for ways to remain unchanged for NazlΔ±, and in this process, everyone and everything he cares about moves away from him. First, an angry patient does not want his relative, Ali. Then Beliz, who tries to get used to Leyla, detains the baby for 48 hours. And Adil trembles with Ferda, who personalized his case by neglecting Ali. Ali, who gets stuck in the corner and pushes himself more and more, has only one question in mind: Is life a choice, as NazlΔ± said? Or does life choose some things for us? . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 37 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Ali, who learns that he will be clear, is ready to make a new start. But when he learns that Ismet is not going, all his enthusiasm remains in his crop. Realizing what Ismet was up to, Demir, Azalea and Gunes started to press Ali to put an end to this work. On the other hand, the suspicious attitude of a patient family pushes Ferman to take extreme measures, and Ferda tries to return Adil to surgery with the help of Ali. As the cases quickly climb to their finals and secrets emerge one after the other, everyone is actually looking for the answer to one question: Is the human being good or bad in essence? Or is there a bit of both in all of us? . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 36 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   The whole hospital is shaken by violence against a woman. One man attacked a woman and another rescued her. As everyone questions the nature of heroism, Ali is increasingly cornered between NazlΔ± and his father. But it will be a pregnant woman who derails everything, collapses in an emergency. Having to face his worst fear, Ali rushes into surgery on the pregnant woman. Is life hitting the same walls over and over? Or is there a place for miracles in this dark world? . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1

A Miracle - ( Mucize Doktor ) Episode 35 - Turkish series with english Subtitles

In This Episode episode you will follow   Affected by her father's appearance, Nazli is obsessed with saving a patient who miraculously survived a terrible accident. On the other hand, the treatment of another patient confronts Ferman with Beliz and Tanju. The Ferman, who personalizes his case, is not like the Ferman we know. As tension rises in the hospital, Ali, who takes responsibility in both cases, tries to help both NazlΔ± and Ferman. But sometimes helping our loved ones means going in ways we never thought possible. . CLICK BELOW TO SEE THE EPISODE  ⇩⇩⇩⇩ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ Server 1